Friday, November 24, 2006

A Boss Called Kev #4

"Black Friday"

The action figure situation at Paper Heroes has spiralled out of control. With a big sale scheduled for the day after Thanksgiving, Corey decides to give Kev one last chance, but even at 15% off they are unable to significantly reduce the inventory, and still more cases are on the way. As the overstock reaches critical mass, Corey realizes that his boss must be stopped... by any means necessary. Hoping to make Kev's death a happy one, Corey hires Jennifer Connelly -- a skilled ninja assassin -- and instructs her to kill his boss before he completes the monthly Diamond Previews order.

Will Kev survive? Once he sees Jennifer Connelly in person, will he even attempt to defend himself?

For a little background on why I repeatedly photoshop my boss onto comic book covers, click here. Or, to see the rest of the Kev covers on Flickr, click here.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dog the Bounty Hunter Broke My Nunchuks

Halloween Party
Originally uploaded by roadkillbuddha.
Halloween 2006 Recap: After not doing much in the past few years to celebrate the only holiday that I can really get behind, I was happy when my boss Kevin announced a Halloween Party for Saturday night, giving me a reason to get a costume together.

Of course, chronic procrastinator that I am, Saturday afternoon rolled around and I was still trying to think of something to dress up as. Knowing I had the makings for about half a ninja costume, I'd been trying to think of something funny and incongruous to combine it with. Themes I considered were Pirate Ninja, Clown Ninja, Office Ninja (like an Office Linebacker, but more lethal), Homeless Ninja ("Will Kill For Food"), or even NASCAR Ninja (but all of the NASCAR jerseys we sell at the store are WAY too expensive, especially considering that I'd never wear any of them ever again under any circumstance).

Finally, while walking through Wal-Mart, I spotted the rack of orange safety vests, and Safety Ninja was born. Nothing says "stealth" like a glow-in-the-dark orange vest. And while Safety Ninja easily bested Zorro in a sword fight, he was no match for Dog the Bounty Hunter, hence the title of this blog entry.

While the Halloween party on Saturday night was a lot of fun, Halloween Night was a bit of a let down. I wore my costume to work, but needn't have bothered, as I think we averaged about one customer per hour for the duration of my shift. And an accident involving an 18-wheeler and power lines that afternoon had left the store without cable TV. So I'm sure I was a pathetic sight yesterday... a 37-year-old comics geek in a ninja costume, sitting alone in a comics shop for hours on end, bored out of my mind. And the situation when I got home was eerily similar, as I went from having no customers to no trick-or-treaters. (Oh well, I guess I'll just have to haul all the leftover candy down to the store... what a shame).

But I did celebrate the holiday by finally watching my SLiTHER DVD last night. A truly funny and twisted horror movie with a number of great performances, it will definitely be one that I watch again and again.

So remember kids, be safe on Halloween. Don't die by accident... wait for a ninja to kill you.